Life must be a cabaret as a federal prosecutor. Your job is easy, secure, respected, and you basically have a get-out-of-jail-free card. Plus, it's the fast track to a $200k+/year job in private practice or becoming a judge.

Even if you are corrupt enough to violate a defendant's rights, dumb enough to let them see the evidence, and meteor-strike unlucky enough to actually get brought before a judge on the matter, you won't lose your job and Uncle Sam will pay whatever judgment against you.

That might make it lonely or boring, so if you have a classical education, you might try to sneak in bits of literature to everyday filings. You know, to make yourself sound smart and cultured.

Filed 6/30/16:

I never read Shaw in high school, or further education, but I have to say I really like his writing. I quote him quite a lot in my book, because his wisdom is often timeless, or perhaps even ahead of its time.

I'd never heard of "The Doctor's Dilemma", but it's now in the public domain, and not all that long a read. I'd like to think Shaw, if he were alive today, would read this filing in this case and guffaw himself to death.

You see, the title character, the one who says the quote about men of genius and honor, uses that line to justify denying lifesaving medical treatment to a dying man, because he wants the dying man's wife. I have no doubt Shaw cherished the irony. I likewise have no doubt Shaw would've said the prosecutor repeated the irony, missing its point completely.

Only in this case, she denied ethical legal treatment to an accused man because she wanted the accused man's conviction.

Shaw was definitely right. Keep it classy, US Attorney's Office. Go Crimson.